Deep Healing for Anxiety

What would your life be like if anxiety wasn't a dominant visitor? Who would you be? Who is the bigger YOU underneath that anxiety?

While anxious parts of us have worked so hard to keep us safe - on alert or high alert! - they are not the full truth of who we are. These parts might take over and feel like the voice of truth, they might be so close to you that they feel like the real you.

Sometimes real stresses in life deserve the alert status, and there's plenty of that survival stress going around these days. However, often the roots of our
response to stress go back to three main nodes:

  • Childhood

  • Ancestral burdens and legacies

  • Karmic patterns

It's like wearing Soul glasses. We came into this life with some schmutz on the glasses from ancestral and karma threads. And then childhood adds some more gunk. Most of us need some help to clear away those layers of built up dirt and old energy. Then as the layers clear, we can see the world, our part in it, who we are, and be more and more of our true selves. 

My favorite methods of deep healing all connect with these layers of anxiety roots:

  • IFS (Internal Family Systems) was the first process that provided significant help for my chronic anxiety. The IFS process is so loving, so accepting, so welcoming - today I see it as a magical little glowing house. When one enters this space of acceptance and witnessing, maybe in companion with the right practitioner for you, much can shift and release and heal. 

  • Ancestral healing through IFS - we welcome the parts of our ancestors that stored the traumas - as well as the gifts and strengths of our ancestors. None of us have an unburdened ancestral lineage. Basic survival ran the lives for so much of history. We all have this in our ancestral lines somewhere, and that signal is strong!
    Connecting to our ancestors and releasing their burdens frees up the incredible gifts that our ancestors want to share with us. 

  • Karma release process greatly reduces triggering feelings. This tool has helped me so much in letting go of blame for the other person/people/system. It's not letting them off the hook or giving a free pass - but it unhooks me from them and their choices. 
    The Karma Release Process leads to deeper empowerment. I use this when I get triggered by being judged or feel powerless to a system or person, which had been a big source of anxiety for me.   

  • Aura Transformations update the whole energy system of a person.  The New Time aura has a stronger energy boundary, and connects you more deeply to your intuition, passion, and Spirit. If you feel on constant defense in the world, or if you are uncertain of your purpose in life, or lost the passion and drive for your purpose, then an Aura Transformation might call to you.
    What the heck is an Aura Transformation? — Marta Johnson (
    aura transformation chicago — Marta Johnson (

And the extra fabulous news: there are so many ways of deep healing available these days. From acupuncture to biofield tuning to soul retrievals to psychedelics to all flavors of therapy - many, many options. Of course, the most important question - what is effective for YOU, at this moment in time? 

If you're interested in trying any of these methods - IFS coaching, Karma Release, or Aura Transformation, please schedule a free
Connecting Call with me. 30 minutes together with no pressure or strings attached. Sometimes people have the free 30 minute call and they get what they need for the next bit of growth in their life! 

Sending love for your journey!

PS - Here are two other articles about anxiety:
Dealing with and healing anxiety 
Managing Anxiety.

Photo by Chris Chan on Unsplash