Energy - Emotions - Purpose
The push-pull to perform and create.
I believe all of us have performer and creator desires, and performer/creative wounds.
Our very nature as humans is to share our gifts and talents. And yet, all of us have been met at times with criticism and rejection of our offerings. From young ages, throughout school, from peers, from teachers.
And then if you are pursuing the creative arts as an adult, you probably are putting your gifts on display for auditions, submissions, the socials, newsletters, entrepreneur endeavors.
It’s a big deal.
Especially for sensitive folks.
At heart, that is all of us.
(Maybe that sensitivity is buried under a lot of layers for some.)
Seeking mastery has a blurry line regarding helpful feedback vs criticism that creates wounds. Sometimes our guides and mentors truly are mean or even abusive. Sometimes it’s in the eye/body of the beholder. I know I was sensitive to feedback of all kinds for most of my life - taking it all so personally.
Some of us end up holding back, over-analyzing, self-criticizing, or giving up. We shrink. We self-censor our inspirations.
Rep Rallies are an opportunity to free yourself from these wounds and have a safe space to explore your performing and creative desires.
Usually, musicians come to the Rep Rallies, but I envision this format working for anyone who wants help with their creative flow. Could be for writers, painters, actors, public speakers.
Wherever you need to create something, and you feel held back, bring that project to a Rally. Everyone gets 10 minutes of spotlight time - and you can use that to do any artistic pursuit. You can receive energy work during this time, or accolades from the group, or feedback. It’s all your choice.
Sunday, Feb 2nd, 3-5 pm
~ 10 minutes spotlight time per person
~ group energy work, often some personal energy work as well
~ releasing trapped emotions/imbalances regarding past auditions, procrastination, deep fears, etc.
~ $40
~ 6 people max
~ NW of Chicago, near Lawrence and Milwaukee
Didn’t I heal that already?
Dear Ones,
"We have to deal with this issue again?"
This is such a common sentiment when circling around the spiral path of healing and growing.
In this video I talk about how normal this is. I have this response in myself too, and some shame. When my core issues show up, I always want to say, "I did my homework! Do I have to do it again?"
In case you don't like to watch videos, here's the summary.
1. This is SO normal and common to feel frustrated when the same old issues come up time and again. Especially when you know the content of why you have the core wound.
2. What is fresh about it in this moment? What needs to be witnessed and gotten on a new level now? You're a different person now than last time it came up.
3. Get to the essence. Maybe you don't need to talk about it anymore. Maybe you don't like talking about your feelings. Can you feel into the essence, into the core of this core issue?
4. Muscle testing expedites getting to the essence. There may be a hundred factors at play with a core wound - what aspect needs attention now?
The addition of muscle testing brings relief for people, as we get laser focus on your body and subconscious' top priorities. Sometimes we find the trapped emotion or trapped imbalance, and validation resonates, tears flow, softening happens, and the next layer of dissolving or evolving commences.
My belief and wish: as you tend to the old wounds, more of you is present in this here and now to tend to whatever changes and growing comes your way.
Your ability to stay present to yourself, and in yourself, is important as fires rage, political establishments change, and people experience all sorts of personal changes.
Staying present to yourself, and your whole wide range of feelings, brings more personal power to be with what transpires.
Sending my sacred heart's wishes to you, and love for the journey,
Tis the season of many feelings
December primes our emotions and patterns to rise to the surface.
* Feeling worn out by your family and friend patterns?
* Lonely and feeling like you don't have enough community?
* Overwhelmed and struggling with how to say no?
* Feeling obligated to give and give and give - whether that's presents, hosting meals for people, going to all the parties and events?
Whatever way you struggle, it often amplifies during this time period.
Hugs to us all!! Everyone is trying their best within a broken culture!
Maybe you turn to self blame. "if only I had chosen [xyz] I wouldn't be feeling this way now. if only I were different then I wouldn't be so miserable."
Or perhaps blaming others - "if my family were just better then I would love this time of year. If they were different I could enjoy myself."
There's no simple answer to whatever you face this month. For many, our deepest wounds become so available at this time, and deep wounds take a lot of care and attention. Not to mention the deep wounds and fractures of our families, societies, structures, and brokenness of so many kinds.
And then we have habitual ways that we respond to these hurts. These patterns try to be helpful, but they may not actually help as much as you hope. Maybe it's time for an upgrade, new possibilities in how you interact with yourself, your patterns and this heightened time of year.
I'm offering a group energy session on December 22nd to bring awareness to our patterns. Bringing relief, insight, potential for changing patterns. Leading to more ease and choice.
One thing that I'm enjoying about these group sessions is that we don't have to carry the same story or feeling, but whatever is addressed seems to help everyone in their own unique way.
Revealing and Releasing Patterns
Sunday, December 22nd, 1 pm CST
Approx 60-75 minutes
Free if you've had a paid private session with me in the last 30 days! (You'll receive a separate email from me with the discount code.)
More info here.
With love and good wishes for each one of you,
It’s the ancestor time of year
Friends, and the ripples of your ancestors,
You come into this life and take up the family legacy backpack, filled with both gifts and burdens. There are many ways into communing with your ancestors - and this is the perfect time of year for it. (Halloween, Samhain, Day of the dead, All Souls, etc)
With Body Code and Inner Artistry, we tune into ancestral issues for potent contact and help. Sometimes we know about the ancestral patterns, sometimes we don’t even know until we find them through muscle testing. The relief from the energy work brings gifts to you, all your ancestors, and anyone who inherited the pattern.
Some things we've addressed regarding ancestry in personal sessions lately:
- a family belief that "if we didn't have bad luck, we'd have no luck at all";
- inherited patterns around grief, abandonment, addictions, emotions, money, abundance, feeling invisible and unseen;
- ancestral mothering lines;
- how and why our ancestors arrived in the United States;
- the incredible resilience and gifts our ancestors want to share with us.
Being with people as we tune into the burdens our ancestors went through humbles me. Every family has a story. Every family line has burdens, some excruciating. I bow to these ancestors that carried immense griefs of their own, and piled up from their ancestors too. And yet, we can transform and release these burdens lighter and easier with Body Code. Freeing you to receive the gifts and blessings from your ancestors.
I completed my certification in Body Code two weeks ago and went through a portal of expansion. This surprised me because usually I have parts that feel rebellious towards certifications. (I don't need an outside authority stamp of approval!) I felt pushed and pulled - I went through a threshold and expansion at that moment.
And maybe it has something to do with the time we are in, which has a lot of pushing and pulling, and yet great power for growing and expanding.
Body Code + Internal Family Systems = Inner Artistry
Personal sessions are amping up in their effect. Read more here.
And I get that individual sessions are expensive. Fortunately, I'm LOVING group work. Here's what's coming up:
Intro to Welcoming Your Big Bold Self -
Tuesday, October 29th, 3:30-4:30
Altar Community. Part of Bring Your Soul to Work day. FREE
Rep Rallies -Group energy process to Liberate your Creative Spirit (open to all humans, not just performers! Limit 6 people.)
Nov 10th 2-4 pm - $40
My home, near Lawrence and Milwaukee
Welcoming Your Big Bold Self
Anne's Haven
5629 W Irving Park Road
Combining Internal Family Systems + Emotion Code for your inner freedom.
Nov 16th, 4-6 pm - $35/two for $60
Thank you for being here, thank you for connecting through this email. We are asked to give our attention in an absurb amount of directions. As I roll out the carpet of these words and ideas, I bow to receiving your attention and sharing energy together in this way!
With gratitude,
Why turn inward?
When the world seems to be drowning in one place, going up in flames in another, and torn apart by wars of many kinds, isn’t attending to one’s inner growth selfish?
Here's a higher vibe reason to turn inward - gifts come from this choice:
—true empowerment for you;
—not being at the mercy of the chaos and outrage filling the air around us;
—taking ownership of what is yours to heal and address in this world;
—not contributing to the drama and intensity out there;
—being present to this world, helping you face any situation with discernment and awareness.
With true empowerment, even more gifts ripple forth.
You step even more fully into your purpose for this life.
You vibrate at higher levels, helping those around you just with your presence.
Instead of adding to the drama, you bring calm, centeredness, groundedness, peace, and love.
These gifts won’t actually materialize if you bypass the feelings, the trapped emotions, and trapped beliefs inside you. Start from the inside out.
Read more here:
Part 1 - Triggering Season
Part 2 - Stressors and the Gifts They Bring
Part 3 - Convincing others vs reckoning with yourself
May we all be moving in the direction of evolving and growth, for our highest good, and the highest good of humanity.
With love,
Convincing others vs reckoning with yourself
I'm going out on a limb to suggest that the most powerful thing you can do these days is your own inner work. Take responsibility for your feelings and your reactions to the world around you.
I was going to say it's more powerful than voting, and then my husband asked me why I wanted to make such a big claim. That helped me realize - it's the same loop - using a polarizing statement/belief to convince YOU that I know something, and you should listen to me.
That convincing energy is sooooo sneaky.....we think we know something better than another person. We get attached to that belief, and it becomes more important than relationships, more important than listening and connection to others.
Trying to convince others creates push back and polarization.
Dear ones ~
The world = FIRE
Our reactions = FEELINGS + FIRE
How's your heart and nervous system today?
Instead of getting stuck in an activated loop (triggered, on fire, pissed off, blaming), you have the opportunity to empower, heal, and grow.
I'm going out on a limb to suggest that the most powerful thing you can do these days is your own inner work. Take responsibility for your feelings and your reactions to the world around you.
I was going to say it's more powerful than voting, and then my husband asked me why I wanted to make such a big claim. That helped me realize - it's the same loop - using a polarizing statement/belief to convince YOU that I know something, and you should listen to me.
That convincing energy is sooooo sneaky.....we think we know something better than another person. We get attached to that belief, and it becomes more important than relationships, more important than listening and connection to others.
Trying to convince others creates push back and polarization.
People react to being pushed, and not in a way that moves towards your goal. Here are some steps that bring more potential for change:
being present to what is;
then reckoning with your own feelings - griefs and angers;
the cleanest way to make requests to others for change is after working on and with your own emotions;
It's a much slower path, but it is infused with hope and potential for the desired result in this slow-grow-together path.
(This is not the path if you are experiencing physical harm or verbal abuse. That calls for an entirely different response and skill set.)
It takes patience to unwind from convincing others. The world would have us believe that fighting and convincing brings change, and that we all better do our best to create change, or else. Even taking stock of those fears and really investigating them, will bring some interesting growth and dividends for you.
It makes me curious right now about the urgency that surrounds us these days. How much urgency has been thrust upon us in the last 5 years? 10 years? Even longer? How much of that urgency is wisdom speaking to us, and how much of it is manipulation? Worthy questions to explore!
Warm wishes for your inner explorations!
PS - Photo by Wren Meinberg on Unsplash