Rep Rallies
Rep Rallies - welcoming your Inner Artist and your artistic expression!
A group session that incorporates energy work (based upon Emotion Code) + an opportunity to share your artistic gifts. Often this has appealed to musicians, but anyone with an expressive desire is welcome.
In particular, this might appeal to:
Anyone wanting to try some energy work;
Those with a creative spirit (everyone!) but who feel held back in some way;
People with fears;
People who have all sorts of feelings and history with performing, auditions, rejections, critical directors, bitter colleagues, etc.
If you're feeling burnt out, worn out, pressed by the world or by your profession or anything else;
If you want a boost in your true essence - connected to your Higher Self and Source energy, here for a purpose and gifts to share.
About Rep Rallies:
Energy work to address what's stuck - fear, unhelpful patterns, not trusting yourself, memories of stress (bad auditions, rejections, critical colleagues, toxic directors, etc) and more. (Based on Emotion Code & Body Code)-
10 minutes of spotlight time per person
Meeting NW side of Chicago, at my house, near Lawrence and Milwaukee.
Max 6 participants
NEW - you don't have to perform unless you want to! Get the benefits of group energy work without any pressure to produce or perform anything.
Email to register, or get on the email list.