Internal Family Systems
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is one way to lovingly welcome all of you, just as you are, in this very moment. Being deeply present with all the aspects of you.
IFS looks at one’s inner world as made up of Parts of one’s personality. Or we could call them Energies in you. Or Aspects of your personality. Or Threads in the tapestry. No matter the circumstances in life, whether you are dealing with inner conflict, grief, depression, anxiety, risk, growth, potential - many of our internal parts get stirred up and need attention.
Self energy – that quality of you that brings no judgment and no agenda. Self energy is healing, and all of us have the ability to heal and grow.
Bringing Self energy to parts of one’s personality brings about healing and transformation, leading to deeper and authentic confidence, compassion, calm, curiosity, clarity, courage, connection, creativity, and choice.
In this process of welcoming all parts and Self energy, some emotions will transform and change, while at the same time getting stronger and more resilient. The human experience means we cannot avoid suffering, so IFS helps us learn to be with the suffering, and even enjoy life along the way! The way we do this is:
1. Identify and welcome the parts of you that are present. Awareness alone is powerful.
2. Build relationships with all of these parts of you. Parts want a relationship with that essence of you, Self energy.
3. Witness the burdens that parts are carrying, which leads to gentle healing and transformation.
4. Experience an increase in authentic confidence, calm, power, and joy. It feels like magic when we naturally experience these qualities, no matter our circumstances.
This is welcoming your full self in love. IFS is known for its gentleness and effectiveness, originally developed with survivors of trauma, and now applied to any area of healing and growth. You can read more about IFS here and here.
Sessions via Zoom
In person at my home, NW side of Chicago
Curious, but not ready for one-on-one coaching? Sign up for my occasional newsletter. I sometimes offer free Intro to IFS classes and I will publish those on my website and through the newsletter.
Ready to get started? Drop me an email to set up an appointment: Marta@InnerArtistry.space. Or go here to schedule online.
Marta’s style of coaching and helping you navigate the many parts of yourself is both powerful and gentle. When you’re worn out, low, or duking it out with your inner critic, it can feel like there's nowhere steady to place your feet, but Marta has a skillful and compassionate way of helping you create your own safety. By the end of our sessions I always feel much lighter, with a clear sense of what I can do immediately to tend to the parts of me that are in need and want to be heard. Therapy and self help can sometimes seem so serious and at-arm’s-length. IFS coaching with Marta is different. Marta is so welcoming and funny that you almost forget you are doing deeply impactful, transformative work together. I can’t recommend working with her highly enough. Marta is warm, heart-centered, and supportive, but most importantly, she will help you build up those qualities in and for yourself. Emily Burrows, self care coach and yoga teacher, www.emilyburrows.com
As a professional actress, a large part of my job is auditioning for upcoming projects. It’s often a very vulnerable and nerve-wracking process, but it’s necessary to sustaining a career. Over the past several years, I developed a debilitating case of stage fright, particularly when it came to auditioning for musical theatre. I was left frustrated with myself and was certain that this fear was costing me jobs. Marta worked with me to develop personalized techniques to conquer those fears and imagine a positive outcome to my auditions. I’m happy to report that after practicing these techniques, I've recently been cast in a world-premiere of a new musical at a Tony-Award-winning regional theatre. Tiffany Scott, actress