What is IFS?

What is IFS?

IFS, Internal Family Systems, is a method of healing.

It is a way of sticking your finger in your unconscious and stirring it up, towards the good and the healing.

It is a path to know yourself better and deeper, to build trust in yourself, to heal old wounds, to live in the present.

IFS is one option among many for healing.

IFS is a way to enliven, to wake up, to access the healing energy that is within all of us. A therapy framework, with methods and processes and questions, but at its source, it’s about yourself healing yourself. Maybe with help from a trusted guide or partner or support person along the way.

IFS is a way to transform your personality. Bringing healing to our most vulnerable parts frees up our personality in ways that are hard to imagine until the shifts start happening.

IFS is a way to become even more of YOU. The true, deepest essence of you.

It can be done with another person, or in a group, or by yourself.

A core belief is that we all have Self Energy, and Self Energy is naturally aimed towards healing. Accessing our innate Self Energy allows the healing to happen. Allowing a part to be bathed in Self Energy brings shifts and changes. Self Energy has no agenda, and it cannot be damaged. Maybe it is our soul? Maybe it is universal energy? Maybe it is qi?

A practitioner can help in this process partly because of the Self Energy they bring to the session. Two people’s Self Energy, aligned in the intention of healing, resonates and amplifies.

Some people find just one session of IFS to be what they need. Others, like me, are drawn to it as a lifestyle and a path for living. Many are loving online videos and blogs and podcasts and books. And every option in between!

If you are curious to try IFS, I’m offering a free, full hour session right now. No strings attached. Just an offering of love and support. Because we all could use a little more love and support in our lives right now.