Invitation to a healing adventure in Scotland

Invitation to a healing adventure in Scotland

I felt pulled to have an Aura Transformation after hearing that it is like a new energy skin, an upgrade in one's energy boundary, a deeper connection to purpose and ability to follow through on said purpose, and matching the energy of our kids.

The first thing I noticed after my Aura Transformation was feeling more solid in my body, and this continues to grow. I am connecting more easily to intuition and my follow through is coming along with more ease. During my Aura Transformation I connected with the very subtle unconscious decision to be invisible, and that old pattern is falling away. Being more visible and actively engaged in my life is arising with excitement and internal agreement.

Dealing with and healing anxiety

Dealing with and healing anxiety

Many people are dealing with high levels of anxiety - maybe this has been true for a long time - and maybe something is different at this time. 

We don't have to know the reasons behind your personal anxiety in order to bring deep healing to it. Sometimes the content and the knowing helps, but it definitely is not necessary. Those thinking and analyzing parts of you can rest! They don't have to know it all or do the healing work!



In my opinion, we embark upon healing, not just to return to a baseline of being ok, but to welcome and awaken our natural essence of joy, beauty, and sharing our gifts. Not to push past the times that are needed for deep healing, or to use joy as a cover up for what needs attention and care. As time goes on in my healing and growing journey, I believe that bounteous joy is a direct result of releasing old traumas and burdens.

Book Club

Book Club

So much is inflamed right now. Inflammation from the microscopic to the personal to the collective to the global:
~ Covid/health
~ Suicides
~ Fractured personal relationships
~ Gun violence
~ Pro life/pro choice
~ Inflation
~ Cancel culture
~ Twitter mobs
~ Wars/nuclear potential
~ Climate crisis

It can make one feel rather helpless, with one issue after another suffering from intractable fights. Possibly all these polarized issues are rising to the surface to shine a spotlight on them, and the way we've tried to solve them that so far has not worked.

Big change is needed.

I'm totally taken by a book I'm reading, one that is impacting my life at the deepest level, "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible" by Charles Eisenstein.

Real Change

Real change does not come through force, pressure, manipulation or shame. Real change is a deep energy that leans toward internal freedom, love, and connection.

Real change may not feel good all the time, but it wants evolution. Evolving can be messy, uncomfortable, painful. Evolution wants real change.

Force is pressure, conformity, fear. It may get results for a while, but it is askew, off center. The intentions may be noble, but forcing results in harm on some level. Shame may get results, but it leaves a mark deep within. Threat of disconnection may motivate but at a cost to the person or the relationship. 

Real change is unlimited.
Forcing an outcome is limited. You perhaps get yourself to comply, or others to comply, but it's not deep or expansive. 

Real change leans in, listens, accepts. There will be grief. Real change may have an intention, a goal, but the end result will be even more beautiful. Even if heartbreak is involved.

We don't know where real change leads.  

How can you lean towards yourself in this moment? What wants to change in you? What wants some love in you?

With love,

PS - I speak of this from experience. I have tried the route of forcing change many, many times, both for myself and trying to force those I love. It doesn't feel good and no one wins in this way. Taking the risk of releasing control is a gift to all involved.

PPS - If you're judging and blaming others, undoubtedly, you are also judging and blaming yourself. True acceptance of yourself helps you accept others. True acceptance of others helps you accept yourself. It goes both ways. 

PPPS - photo by Arno Gourdol
The majestic Milky Way rises above the mystical labyrinth … | Flickr