We make music because it feels good, because it’s a deep call beyond rational thought - whether that is in messing around, practicing, performing, creating. Music amplifies us, brings creativity, thoughts, and feelings into an audible and felt form. Perhaps its about the vibrations connecting with our humanness - helping us remember that we are actually condensed energy, made up of sound waves and energy patterns.
We don’t really need to understand the WHY of the music calling, although that might be a useful exploration for you. That impulse to create and perform lies deep. At it’s root - we want to feel good and music is one way to do this.
Yet, something isn’t flowing.
Perhaps the stuckness relates to some hurts from the past - mean teachers, rejections, nerves, disappointing performances.
Perhaps some indecision, procrastination, or lack of follow through hampers you.
Perhaps juggling all the things - day job, family, costs of making your art - these are real considerations. How do you make it happen?
We all have our stories of what has distorted that pure love for music and creativity and performance. Our stories are unique to each one of us, but also uniting all of us. This struggle is so common.
I personally got into music for the wrong reasons - I liked the applause and attention. The gigging lifestyle was a constant affirmation of ‘people like me’. It was the dopamine boost before social media came along. This wasn’t enough to sustain me in the grind of gigging and the stress of performance, and so I burned out. After taking some time away from music, I’m coming back to it with fresh clarity, cobwebs cleared away, passion honed. For a while I beat myself up - why in the world did I choose music without the passion driving me? Now I can see that all my years of formation have led to this - the passion was there all along, buried very deep, and now I have loads of tools to help other people in finding or reconnecting or healing their passion for music.
I bring years of training and practice in music - two degrees in music, tools for performance anxiety, Internal Family Systems coaching, energy training with Sarah McCrum, and now Aura Mediation, to help you organically and deeply be yourself in partnership with Music.
Together we can explore what’s most needed for you to open and blossom in relationship to music.
Get started with a free Connection Call to first explore your needs and hopes and desires, or dive in with an Inner Artist Coaching. Additionally, I host Repertoire Rallies in my home once or twice a month. Get grounded, connect in a safe space, and a place to hone your craft in an intimate and caring spotlight. Email me to join the list. Marta@InnerArtistry.space