Saturday, March 2nd, 12-1:30
In this session we’ll have an Energy Exploration - noticing our energy, noticing our boundary with others, how we give and receive energy.
I will share about AuraTransformation - a powerful way to upgrade your energy.
And I will guide us through an Element Balancing together.
Energy Exploration
Your Aura is the energy that is in and around you, that connects and holds the truest essence of you. We'll play with this energy with gentle movement, inner exploration, and group connection, helping us to know ourselves, our purpose, and our boundaries.
The Element Balancing is part of the AuraTransformation practice - and anyone can do it at any time. The elements reflect in us and help us. Balanced elemental energy in us helps us with boundaries, staying committed to purpose and focus, high vibrations of emotions, and acting from the heart.
AuraTransformation is a one time energy upgrade treatment and is excellent for:
People who are easily overwhelmed - by life, by other people, by intensity in the world;
People looking for purpose, or who want an extra boost in their purpose;
Parents, caregivers, teachers - match the energy of young people;
Creatives, musicians, performers - better boundaries, better connection to your creative sources, bigger presence;
People experienced in energy, personal growth, emotions - a big boost in tangible sense of energy, of healing, of intuition.
Saturday, March 2nd, 12-1:30 pm
Wildlight Yoga - 4041 N Milwaukee Ave, #301, Chicago
If you choose to get an AuraTransformation, this $20 fee can be applied towards your session.