A beautiful way to upgrade your energy field, leading to deeper intuition, connection to your purpose, better and natural boundaries.

Your aura is your energetic immune system, a way to sort and boundary the energy that is yours.

In this one time, hands on process:

  • you become more empowered in life;

  • old hurts and wounds soften and dissolve more easily;

  • clarity and intuition show up as your personal support;

  • find or renew your purpose;

  • more joy! even when life is bumpy;

  • and you step more fully into life.

I have done a lot of healing work in my life, and my Aura Transformation has been the single most powerful tool I have yet encountered. Inner healing goals I have worked towards for years and years suddenly smooth out with ease. Clarity about choices in life just show up. Connection and boundaries with my son get better and better. Boundaries with all people are strengthening in a simple way, and I now have a Balancing tool which gives extra assistance with boundaries, intuition, and purpose. I still love IFS, and use it regularly, but it goes so much faster.

People who might be interested in an Aura Transformation:

  • you’re looking for more ease in getting to the next level;

  • you’ve done all the healing work, you’re in a good place, and this is like the extra sparkling bonus, really affirming your passions, your purpose, and grounding you in earth energy;

  • you work with children and want to match their energy structure;

  • you feel drained by people, you struggle with boundaries (maybe despite lots of efforts here!). You might feel other people’s emotions, or take on too much responsibility. You walk around feeling caution about how much you can handle and concerned about how people will affect you;

  • you have to do lots of processes to keep your head above water - lots of meditation time, yoga time, breaks from people;

  • you’re ready for an expansion of consciousness, and ready for easier unhooking from the burdened side of collective consciousness - things like group fear, social norms and pressures, beliefs that we’re all powerless, and right/wrong dualistic thinking.

If I were to summarize the results I’m experiencing I would say: I FEEL FREE.
I feel free to be myself.
To make new choices.
To set boundaries with lightness.
Following on this freedom is joy! Life just feels full of potential and wonder, and I feel equipped, in a way I have not felt before, to navigage life more truthfully. The result is pure, simple pleasure. My heart feels open to life in a new, effortless way, just from being.
— Daven L.


  • What is an Aura?
    An aura is the energy that belongs to you. It extends beyond your physical body and refers to the energy in and around your body. Some people might call it your energy field or your biofield.

  • What happens during the Aura Transformation process?
    This is a hands on experience, split between two sessions. First session is 3-3.5 hours, second session is about 1.5 hours.
    It feels good, relaxing, and energizing at the same time. During the first session, there is some healing, and calling back all of your energy from all of time and space, similar to a soul retrieval. The old aura dissolves, and your Spirit energy comes flooding in. At the end, your new aura is wrapped around you, and you have completed a permanent change of upgrading your aura. It will take about a year longer to integrate (“crystalize”) the Crystal energy in your body. The benefits of the new aura grow during this year, and the new aura is permanent for the rest of your life.

    We talk and chat during the process, tuning into what’s ready to release, your purpose in life, and seeing what wants to emerge during this special time.

    During the Balancing session, we work with the Elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air). With the Crystal Aura, your body will naturally seek balance with these elements, and the Balancing session tunes into your personal equilibrium. You can repeat this process on your own to work with your energy and help you bring balance to all situations in your life.

  • Any considerations, or reasons to wait?
    People who are on antidepressants, or who use alcohol or drugs as a regular coping method need to wait. For many people, after the AT, there is an emotional detox period, where old emotional patterns that don’t match the new aura and are ready to clear out, they sometimes clear out fast. So, whatever is waiting behind the antidepressants, drugs or alcohol might come roaring out and be really unpleasant for a while. If this is the case, I can offer some IFS sessions to bring healing first, and please work with your professional of choice to safely wean off the medication.

  • Are Internal Family Systems and Aura Transformation compatible?

    Yes, I love these processes together! I still use IFS with myself often, (and with clients) but any big feelings move through so much faster. I’m still in my first year after my AT, and I’m releasing feelings, grudges, guilt, and shame that I have tried to release for years and years.

  • What can I expect after my AT?

    Most people feel really good in the hours and days after their AT. Some people experience an emotional detox period, where emotions and energies that are ready for transformation come up to the surface. It’s good to have tools and processes in place for this potential detox time. Whatever systems you’ve used in the past will be wonderful for this time, and often even more effective - therapy, energy healing, exercise, meditation, music, art, etc.

    The new Aura is permanent, and will not wear off. As it takes a year or so for the new Aura to fully crystallize, benefits will keep emerging, with ease. I feel like more and more of me keeps showing up to be in life, and deal with life’s situations, and to enjoy life!

  • Cost
    $600 for two sessions - AuraTransformation and followup Element Balancing. 4-5 hours of session time, and then about a year of the new aura Crystalizing. It’s like the gifts keep unfolding for the next year!
    $700 for two sessions plus an additional Balancing or IFS session within 3 months.

  • If you are interested in signing up, there is some homework! Pick one of these:
    * Read this free e-book, an overview of the process and what to expect.

    * Read Balance on All Levels - this book was required reading for many years.

    * Watch this video from Sarah Jennings, my instructor. It's long - 2.5 hours! But a good way to get a transmission of the energy. Her before and after pictures are super compelling - around 39 minute mark.